Surgical face lifts versus thread lifts
Thread lifts are a treatment that can provide a significant lift to an ageing face. They are growing in popularity because they are non-invasive, yet effectively mimic the results of a surgical facelift. A surgical facelift involves incisions being made in your skin by a trained plastic surgeon and your facial skin being manually lifted and sewn into a different position. This will give you a rejuvenated look. The procedure is painful, involves a hospital stay and a lengthy recovery time, although the effects of your surgical facelift will last for years.
There is no down time involved with a thread lift. You might want to take a day off work in order to have the treatment and you should be aware that some tenderness or redness can occur as a result, but this should settle down within a couple of days. You won’t experience the pain and after effects of being cut with a surgical knife and you won’t have permanent scarring from stitches. Following a thread lift, your face should look more youthful, be lifted and due to the fact it should also increase your collagen levels, your facial skin itself should look revitalised.
What does a thread lift involve?
As the name suggests, the insertion of very fine threads under the skin, is how a thread lift is performed. You should notice a difference in your appearance straight away, with your jowls and neck area appearing firmer. However, as your body’s natural repair system will be triggered during the process, collagen production will be stimulated . Collagen is a key ingredient in keeping your skin young-looking and elastic, so you’ll notice your facial appearance improving even more as the weeks pass following treatment. The threads themselves will be reabsorbed, so no procedure is needed to have them removed.
A local anaesthetic is used to make you as comfortable as possible during your thread lift. The procedure itself lasts for about an hour and is conducted using ultra fine needles. The results should last for up to 18 months. Once you see your face returning to its original shape, you can book yourself in for a top up treatment.
To find out whether or not you’d be a suitable candidate for a thread lift, why not come and have a chat with one of our medical professionals. Our practitioners have been highly trained in a number of different cosmetic disciplines and some of us are leading the way in facial aesthetic treatments, by developing new successful rejuvenation treatments of our own. Be at the cutting edge of the rejuvenation industry, not to mention a very experienced and safe pair of hands. Please give our reception team a call to book your consultation.